
Having a feel of the pulse of what is going on give great comfort as a parent so you can know when to step in and when to stay out. From birth we put all our efforts into teaching them how to talk, then try to figure out how to make them be quiet, to […]


When our boys were young you may have spent a lot of time teaching them be quiet. They may have been loud and messy and rambunctious. As they age you may find yourself noticing one day that the house is painfully quiet and once you figure out why, you may be wishing for the moments […]


It’s cute when people make comments about the ways my kids are similar to me. “She has your eyes, you guys have the same smile, he looks just like you…” But in between all the sweet acknowledgments, somehow I forgot the reality that if there are sweet similarities between my children/teenagers and myself…then some of […]

